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We want to make sure Wales has the energy it needs in a Net Zero world

There's endless potential for renewable energy in Wales – particularly from the wind that blows across our hills and mountains. But we need to get the green energy generated to the many homes, hospitals, schools, businesses, and communities that need it in the rest of Wales and beyond.

Much of the existing electricity network infrastructure in Wales was built many years ago to transport energy from old fossil-fuel power stations in the north and south. The existing network in Mid Wales does not have nearly enough capacity to connect all the new renewable energy we need for our homes and businesses, locally and nationally. Most people recognise that to bring about the end the use of fossil fuels, we need new infrastructure to enable more renewable energy. Our plans for the Towy Usk Connection can help build a positive, clean future for us all.

Our second non-statutory consultation on the proposals for Green GEN Towy Usk (held between 12 March and 8 May 2024) has now closed.

We’d like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation and provided feedback. 

The feedback we received from this second round of consultation from specialist organisations and communities will help us understand any potential effects and benefits that we may not have considered in our work to date, and to inform our work going forward.   

While the consultation has closed, the project team will continue to engage with stakeholders and landowners as the project develops.

Connecting clean, green energy from renewable generators in Wales to the national transmission network

Green GEN Towy Usk – a new 132kV electricity connection that will transport clean, green energy from renewable generators in Wales to the national transmission network.

The proposed Towy Usk connection will link Bute Energy's Nant Mithil Energy Park, which will generate clean, green energy in the Radnor Forest area, to the national grid near Llandyfaelog, Carmarthenshire.

Importantly, other green energy projects – including Bute Energy's proposed Aberedw, and Bryn Gilwern Energy Parks – will also be able to connect to the proposed Green GEN Towy Usk connection, reducing the amount of additional infrastructure needed in future. It is anticipated that the two energy parks will use single-circuit overhead lines supported on wood poles to connect to Green GEN Towy Usk.

Green GEN Towy Usk could also allow direct connection of community projects, while reducing pressure on the existing electricity grid, supporting energy resilience, green businesses and enabling green heating and the roll out of electric vehicles across Wales – particularly in rural areas.

Our original proposals

During spring 2023, we consulted local people on our preferred route for Green GEN Towy Usk.

Our original proposal for the connection was for a double-circuit overhead line, carried on steel pylons throughout the route.

Our revised proposals

We carefully considered all feedback received in our first round of consultation, alongside further environmental and technical assessments. We have now revised our plans and have identified a draft route alignment which shows where the infrastructure might go.

We have made a number of changes to our proposals to include:

  • a single-circuit overhead line supported on wood poles between Nant Mithil Energy Park and a new switching substation at the foot of Aberedw Hill;
  • a section of underground cable where the route crosses the River Towy near Llanarthney, and;
  • some alterations to the route in other places.

Have your say

The second non-statutory consultation on the proposals for Green GEN Towy Usk (held between 13 March and 8 May 2024) has now closed.  

The feedback received during the consultation period will now be analysed and considered by the project team, alongside further environmental and technical assessments, and surveys.  

Please register to be kept up to date about the progress of the project, including details of the next consultation.

View our proposed draft route alignment on our interactive map here

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