Internal feedback questionnaire

Climate change and our energy supplies

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (This section is optional)

Renewable energy has an important role in the fight against climate change

More renewable energy generation in Wales would make us less reliant on imported energy and help to guarantee secure energy supplies for Wales in future

Renewable energy developments in Wales are being held back by a lack of grid infrastructure to connect them to power networks

I support renewable energy projects in my local area

Green GEN Towy Usk: our preferred route

Working with our environmental consultants, we identified corridors of land through which an overhead line route could be installed, looked at how each might affect local communities, the landscape and views, biodiversity, forestry and cultural heritage, flood risk and other land uses.

We then selected a preferred corridor for Green GEN Towy Usk and identified potential route options within it. Following further research, we have selected a preferred route in that corridor to take forward for public consultation.

Our preferred route avoids and seeks to reduce potential impacts on the Brecon Beacons National Park and other sensitive landscapes and requires the least amount of new infrastructure.

We believe this route achieves the best balance between our technical requirements and minimising the impact on the environment and the people, who live, work and enjoy spending their time in the area.

We know that new infrastructure can be disruptive to communities. We are committed to doing everything we can to cause the least disturbance to the environment and those who live, work and enjoy recreation close to our proposals.

1. Do you have any comments on the process we followed in selecting our preferred route?

2. Do you have any comments on our preferred route for the overhead line, or the alternatives we considered? We have divided the preferred route into five sections for ease of reference.

Please indicate which section your response relates to (tick all that apply):


3. We will carry out further assessments to help us decide where we could locate the pylons within the preferred corridor. Are there any particular features, considerations or mitigations you would like us to consider as we develop our proposals?

Please indicate which section your response relates to (tick all that apply):


Community Benefit Fund

Bute Energy is setting up a Community Benefit Fund that will invest millions of pounds every year in local communities. The funding will come from the Bute Energy Parks that connect to Green GEN Towy Usk

In this unique approach, every year Bute Energy will pay £7,500 per MW of installed capacity into the fund, which will be shared between the communities closest to the Energy Parks and those along the grid routes.

The Bute Energy Community Benefit team will be talking with local people and organisations about the projects, groups and services they are engaged with and how we can help. Let us know who’s doing great work where you live so that we can speak with them. We want to be good neighbours as a part of a thriving community.

4. What would you like to see the Community Benefit Fund used for in your area?

About this consultation

5. How did you hear about the consultation?

Was the information useful and what further information would have been helpful?

6. Did you attend a consultation event?

If yes, which one?

7. Is there anything else you would like us to consider?

About you

Age range:

Are you responding on behalf of an organisation?

If yes, which one:

Equality and diversity

Green GEN Cymru would be grateful if you could answer the following equality and diversity questions. We will use the information we receive to help understand whether our consultation has been useful to people of different backgrounds and requirements.

We may publish a summary of the results, but no information about an individual would be revealed.

If you agree to provide equality and diversity information, you can withdraw your permission at any time. To withdraw your details, please contact us via email at If you wish to receive paper copies of these documents or need them in another format, please get in touch via the details on the bottom of this page (please note print charges may apply).

8. What is your gender?

9. Do you consider yourself a person with a disability?

10. How would you describe your ethnic background?

11. What is your age?

Internal use only

Email responses

Letter responses

Potential change request?

Campaign group template?

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